Have fabulous designer bags you no longer carry? Consign them at dress and turn them into extra spending money!


 At Dress, you will see an extensive collection of designer purses on consignment with brands such as Chanel, Hermes, Phillip Lim, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, Gucci, St Laurent, Valentino, Celine and Prada… just to name a few! For bags and accessories selling up to $1000, the consignor receives 60% of the selling price. For bags and accessories over $1000, the consignor receives 70% of the selling price.

All bags are authenticated through Entrupy so authentication is guaranteed. We will treat your items the same way we treat you, with personalized care and attention. Learn more about Entrupy here.

At dress, we take our time authenticating and cultivating our selection of designer bag consignment and have been extremely successful in marketing and moving our luxury bags. With a strong social media presence and a high traffic Raleigh boutique, we are able to move items quickly for our clients. Our generous consignor split on luxury designer purses keeps our clients coming back!

Designer handbags, clothes, luxury belts, fine jewelry, and accessories make dress the premier consignment shop in Raleigh. Contact us to make a consignment appointment today!

We are committed to being anti-counterfeit. Should an item be determined counterfeit, seller will incur a $25 fee and the item will be disposed of.